Van Tour(Daily)

Nature and culture combined

Min: Max: Person

Van city's name doesn't have a confirmed origin, but there are two widely accepted theories. The first suggests that the city was named after a governor named Van who arrived after its founding to develop the area. The second theory suggests that it derives from the Urartian words "Viane" or "Biane," used to refer to the city. Both words have similar meanings related to settlement and locality in the dominant languages of the region. Hence, "Van" likely means a settlement, city, or locality. The most probable interpretation leans toward "city."



FAMOUS VAN BREAKFAST: Van, located in a basin surrounded by mountains, is renowned for its meadows, pastures, and various herbs. Many experts attribute this abundance to extensive livestock farming, especially dairy farming. It is noted that today's Van breakfast, which means a variety of dairy products, originated from this dairy farming.


VAN CAT HOUSE: Each pet has its unique characteristics. Among the cats that have attracted human attention throughout the ages, one of the most notable is the Van Cat, known for its silky white fur, different-colored eyes, excellent hunting skills, and love of playing in water. In the Van region, the locals call the cat "Pişik." The Van Cat is considered not only a decorative cat or a hunter of mice and insects but also a friend and a family member by the local people. It is said that in the past, Van Cats spent summers in the mountains and winters at home. Today, it is rare to find Van Cats that spend summers hunting on the slopes of Mount Erek and return home in the winter.

One of the features that make the Van Cat attractive is its eye color. Van Cats can be categorized into three groups based on their eye colors:

  • Both eyes blue,
  • Both eyes amber (yellow shades),
  • One blue eye and one amber eye (dichromatic).


VAN PIER: The Van Pier Train Station, located in the Iskele neighborhood of Van's Tuşba district, is a train station and pier owned by TCDD that opened in 1971.

The station, which is the western terminus of the Van - Sufiyan railway that has no direct connection to the rest of the Turkish railway network, was built by TCDD and opened in 1971.

Located on the eastern shore of Lake Van, the station serves as a link between rail and sea transport with its two ramps carrying a total of eight tracks. TCDD Taşımacılık operates train ferries that carry freight wagons and sometimes cars between Van and Tatvan across the lake.

In the past, the station served international trains such as the Transasia Express and the Tehran - Damascus Train, but currently, it only serves freight trains.


VAN CASTLE: Van Castle is a fortress built by the Urartu Kingdom from massive stone blocks, overlooking the Urartian capital, Tuşpa. Located on a steep rock near the shores of Lake Van, this structure is 1800 meters long, 120 meters wide, and 80 meters high.


OLD VAN HOUSES (Miniature): The Historical Van Houses Neighborhood is located in the Kalecik neighborhood, about 5 kilometers from the city center, on an eagle's nest-like area at an altitude of 1830 meters, providing a panoramic view of the entire city.

In the construction of the traditional Van house, which is one of the important heirs of the Van urban texture, stone, mudbrick, and wood materials were used. The walls were built with mudbrick on a stone foundation. The flat roofs of the Van houses, supported by wooden beams, have sometimes been replaced with pitched roofs in some examples seen today. The houses were mostly designed with an inner courtyard plan and built as single or two-story structures. Van residential architecture differs from that of other cities in the region in terms of construction techniques and materials used. While stone is generally preferred as the basic building material in the region, mudbrick is used in traditional Van houses.


VAN MUSEUM: Van, whose history dates back to the Paleolithic period, has been an important settlement throughout history due to its location on the Silk Road. It served as the capital of the Urartu Civilization and continued to maintain its importance during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods.

Exhibits from the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Urartian, Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic, Seljuk, Turkish-Islamic, and Ottoman periods are displayed in chronological order, taking visitors on a unique historical journey.

The museum complex, with an indoor area of approximately 10,000 square meters, offers visitors a different experience with its cafeteria, conference hall, classrooms, specialized library, children's play areas, souvenir stands, and temporary exhibition halls.


EDREMİT GIRL'S CASTLE: Edremit Girl's Castle, which has a history of about 3,000 years, was used as a place of offering and sacrifice by the Urartian civilization due to its dominant position over the region. It was considered a sacred area where various ceremonies, including the coronation of Urartian kings, were held. Edremit Girl's Castle awaits its local and foreign visitors as a panoramic viewing terrace where the unique scenery of Lake Van can be observed.


AKDAMAR ISLAND: Located within the boundaries of Van's Gevaş district, the island hosts a church that dates back to the Armenians. The island has an area of approximately 163,753 square meters, and its total coastline length is 3 kilometers. The highest point of the island is 1912 meters above sea level, with steep cliffs reaching a height of 80 meters on its western edges.

According to a widespread folk story about the origin of the island's name, there was a beautiful girl named Tamara, the daughter of an Armenian head monk living on the island. A shepherd from the surrounding villages fell in love with her. The young man would swim to the island every night to meet Tamara, who would signal her location with a lantern. When her father found out, he went to the shore one stormy night with a lantern, constantly changing his position, causing the young man to swim in vain and lose his strength. Exhausted and drowning, the shepherd cried out, "Ah, Tamara!" with his last breath. Hearing this, the girl threw herself into the lake. Since then, the island has been known as "Ah Tamara!"


Costs Included

Famous Van Breakfast

Transportation with Luxury Tourism Vehicles

Professional Licensed Guidin

Refreshments during the Journey

Travel Insurance

Agency Escort

Costs Not Included


All Museum and Historical Site Entrance Fees (Free for Teachers)

Entrance Fees (Akdamar Boat - Cat House)

Boat Fee






Other Costs

Seating arrangements in our vehicles are made according to early registration.

There will be no refunds in case of tour cancellation or non-participation.

Bulanık Merkez Gezibol Önü


Your uncovered head acts almost like a radiator. More than half of your body’s total heat loss occurs from here.


A flask, also known as a water bottle or canteen, is a type of thermos. This thermos can keep your water fresh and preserved for a long time.


Sunglasses protect your eyes from harmful UV rays by blocking UV (ultraviolet) radiation. UV protection is a feature found in the lenses of sunglasses and is usually indicated by a number or label.


Special snacks

Medications you use

Medications you use
If you are taking any medications, make sure to carry them with you and inform your guide.

Sweatshirt / T-shirt

Sweatshirt / T-shirt

Power bank

Power bank
A power bank, also known as a portable charger, is a device that allows you to charge your phone anytime and anywhere. A power bank is essentially a type of battery.

Kişisel Beyan-Kabul ve Risk Bilgilendirme Formu

1) Doğa Yürüyüşleri, hiking, trekking, her türlü dağcılık faaliyetleri, dağ kayağı, oryantiring, dalış ve su sporları faaliyetleri, bisiklet faaliyetleri, kamp ve Gezibol olarak icra edilen her türlü faaliyetlerde, ekstrem sporlar ve sosyal faaliyetlerde her türlü sorumluluğun kendime ait olduğunu, etkinliklerde tüm risklere, tehlikelere karşı aydınlatıldığımı, ölüm, kalıcı ve geçici sakatlanma, yaralanma, malvarlığı zararı dahil bütün riskleri kendi rızamla kabul ettiğimi, bireysel kaza sigortası yaptırmam gerektiği hususunda uyarıldığımı ve Gezibol, Türkiye Dağcılık Federasyonu,  veya faaliyetle ilgili olan hiçbir kamu kurum ve kuruluşuna, antrenör, rehber, yürüyüş liderine herhangi bir sorumluluk yüklemeyeceğimi, hiçbir şekilde maddi veya manevi olarak sorumlu tutmayacağımı, bireysel olarak tüm güvenlik tedbirlerini alacağımı gayrıkabil-i rücu kabul, beyan ve taahhüt ederim.

2) Faaliyete engel teşkil edebilecek yüksek tansiyon, kalp hastalığı, solunum hastalıkları, adele ve eklem romatizmaları, epilepsi (sara) vb. gibi doğada tedavisi son derece güç olan herhangi bir rahatsızlığım olmadığını beyan ederim. Bu sporları yapmamı engelleyen bir ilaç almadığımı ve tedavi altında olmadığımı, doğada karşılaşılabilecek alerjik durumlara karşı ilaçlarımı yanımda bulundurduğumu, aksi durumda karşılaşılabilecek her türlü durumdan kendim sorumlu olduğumu beyan ve kabul ederim.

3) Faaliyetlerden önce ve sırasında emniyet kurallarını ihlal etmeyeceğimi, rehber, faaliyet sorumlusu, antrenörün, liderin, mihmandarın, talimat ve direktiflerine uyacağımı kabul eder, aykırı davranış veya kişisel hatalarımdan kaynaklanacak problemlerden sorumlu olduğumu kabul, beyan ve taahhüt ederim.

4) Doğada yapılan aktivitelerin; Hava şartları (fırtına ve/veya soğuk), kar altındaki kaya yapısı, rota ve kayanın zorluk derecesi, çığ oluşumu riski, kar yapısı, sis, taş düşmesi, hayvan tehlikesi, bilgi yetersizliği, fiziksel yetersizlik, antrenman eksikliği, dikkatsizlik, konsantrasyon eksikliği, aşırı enerji harcanması, özgüven fazlalığı, telaşlanmak, kontrol kaybı vs. nedenlerle risk içerdiği konusunda bilgilendirildim. Tüm bu durumları ve oluşabilecek riskleri kabul eder, tüm sorumluluğun kendi şahsıma ait olduğunu kabul, beyan ve taahhüt ederim.

5) Doğadaki yaşama zarar vermeyeceğimi ve sadece fotoğraf makinesi, telefon veya kamera ile fotoğraf/görüntü alacağımı, faaliyet sırasında bulunduğumuz bölgeye ilişkin olarak yetkili kamu kurumlarının her türlü kurallarına uyacağımı, uymadığım durumlarda bireysel olarak sorumlu olacağımı, kuralları bilmemenin veya bu kurallara dair bilgilendirilmiş olmanın sorumluluğumu kaldırmayacağını, bu kurala aykırılık nedeniyle meydana gelecek her türlü zarardan Gezibol'a herhangi bir sorumluluk yüklemeyeceğimi gayrıkabil-i rücu kabul ederim.

6) Gezibol faaliyetlerinde; Ad, Soyad, TC, Telefon ve Eposta gibi bazı kişisel bilgilerimin taşımacı firma, ilgili federasyon, mülki amirlikler ve ilgili kamu kurumları, etkinlik ve araç sorumlusu ile paylaşılmasına, Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu kapsamında kişisel verilerimin depolanmasına,    Doğa faaliyetleri öncesi veya sırasında çekilen fotoğraf ve videolarımın Gezibol sosyal medya hesaplarında ve web sitesinde, yerel veya ulusal medyada kullanabileceğini, ayrıca kendi görüntüleme cihazlarım ile çektiğim ve ortak mesaj gruplarında paylaştığım görselleri (fotoğraf, video) Gezibol'un, iş ortakları ya da sponsorlarının tanıtım ve haber amaçlı sosyal, yazılı ya da görsel yerel ya da ulusal tüm medyada kullanılabilmesini kabul, beyan ve taahhüt ediyorum.

7) Gezibol'un e-posta ve telefon numarama katıldığım etkinlikler ile ilgili mesaj göndermesine izin veriyorum.

8) Bu dokümanın sadece bir aydınlatma formu olmadığını, aynı zamanda taraflar arasında bir anlaşma olduğunu, kendi rızamla hiçbir baskı altında kalmadan tarafımdan imzalandığımı, yukarıdaki açıklamalara aykırı hareket etmem durumunda Gezibol'a, Bağlı bulunduğu Federasyonlara veya faaliyetle ilgili olan hiçbir kamu kurum, kuruluş ve kişilere herhangi bir sorumluluk yüklemeyeceğimi, hiçbir şekilde maddi veya manevi olarak sorumlu tutmayacağımı gayrıkabil-i rücu kabul ederim.


Rezervasyon ve Ödeme: Turlarımıza katılmak isteyen kişilerin öncelikle rezervasyon yaptırmaları gerekmektedir. Rezervasyonlar genellikle tur başlangıç tarihinden önce belirli bir süre öncesine kadar yapılabilir. Rezervasyonun tamamlanması için belirli bir ödeme yapılması gerekmektedir.

İptal ve Değişiklikler: Turlarımız önceden planlamaktadır. Ancak bazı durumlarda tur iptal edilebilir veya değiştirilebilir. Bu durumda Gezibol, müşterilere en kısa sürede bilgi verir ve alternatif seçenekler sunar.

Hava Şartları: Gezibol, hava şartlarına bağlı olarak tur programlarını değiştirme veya iptal etme hakkına sahiptir. Bu nedenle, katılımcıların tur sırasında hava şartlarına uygun kıyafetler ve ekipmanlar getirmeleri gerekmektedir.

Sigorta: Gezibol, müşterilerine tur sırasında yaşanabilecek olası durumlar için sigorta yapar. Sigorta konusunda detaylı bilgi tur firması tarafından sağlanır.

Tur Programı: Gezibol, müşterilerine sunduğu tur programları konusunda detaylı bilgi verir. Tur programında yer alan aktiviteler, yemekler ve konaklama detayları gibi bilgiler tur öncesinde müşterilere aktarılır.

Geç Kalmalar: Tur programına katılan müşterilerin tur başlangıç saati ve yeri konusunda titizlikle hazırlanmaları gerekmektedir. Tur başlangıç saatinde geciken müşteriler tur programına dahil edilemeyebilir


Personal Declaration-Acceptance and Risk Disclosure Form

1) I acknowledge that all responsibility lies with me for any nature walks, hiking, trekking, mountaineering activities, mountain skiing, orienteering, diving, water sports activities, cycling activities, camping, and any other activities conducted by Gezibol, including extreme sports and social activities. I acknowledge that I have been informed about all risks and hazards associated with the activities and that I voluntarily accept all risks, including but not limited to death, permanent or temporary disability, injury, and property damage. I acknowledge that I have been advised to obtain individual accident insurance and I will not hold Gezibol, the Turkish Mountaineering Federation, or any public institution or organization, coach, guide, or hiking leader responsible in any way, either financially or morally. I agree not to hold them liable for any damages and I undertake to take all necessary safety precautions individually.

2) I declare that I do not have any medical conditions that could prevent me from participating in the activities, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory diseases, muscle and joint rheumatisms, epilepsy, etc. I declare that I am not taking any medication that would prevent me from engaging in these sports, and that I am not under medical treatment. I acknowledge that I am responsible for any allergic conditions I may encounter during the activity and I will carry my medications with me. I agree that I am solely responsible for any consequences that may arise due to my failure to comply with these conditions.

3) I agree not to violate safety rules before and during the activities, and to comply with the instructions and directives of the tour guide, activity organizer, coach, leader, or guide. I acknowledge that I am responsible for any problems that may arise from my non-compliance or personal mistakes.

4) I acknowledge that outdoor activities involve risks due to weather conditions (storms and/or cold), rock structure under snow, route and rock difficulty level, risk of avalanche formation, snow structure, fog, rockfall, animal hazards, lack of knowledge, physical inadequacy, lack of training, carelessness, lack of concentration, excessive energy expenditure, excessive self-confidence, haste, loss of control, etc. I accept all these conditions and risks, and acknowledge that all responsibility lies with me.

5) I agree not to harm the environment during the activities and to only take photographs/videos using a camera, phone, or camera. I agree to comply with all rules of the relevant public institutions regarding the area we are in during the activity, and I acknowledge that I will be solely responsible for any failure to comply. I accept that I will not hold Gezibol responsible for any damages arising from non-compliance with these rules.

6) I agree that some of my personal information such as Name, Surname, ID, Phone, and Email may be shared with the transportation company, relevant federation, local authorities, and relevant public institutions, event and vehicle responsible, within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law. I acknowledge that photos and videos taken before or during outdoor activities may be used on Gezibol's social media accounts, website, local or national media, and I allow the use of images (photos, videos) I took with my own imaging devices in social, written, or visual media for promotional and news purposes by Gezibol, its partners, or sponsors.

7) I allow Gezibol to send messages to my email and phone number regarding the events I participated in.

8) I acknowledge that this document is not only an informative form but also an agreement between the parties. I declare that I have signed it without any pressure and of my own free will. I agree that if I act contrary to the above statements, I will not hold Gezibol, the federations to which it is affiliated, or any public institution, organization, or individual responsible in any way, either financially or morally.

Reservation and Payment: Individuals who want to participate in our tours must make a reservation first. Reservations can generally be made up to a certain period before the tour start date. Completion of the reservation requires a certain payment.

Cancellations and Changes: Our tours are planned in advance. However, in some cases, the tour may be canceled or changed. In such cases, Gezibol informs the customers as soon as possible and offers alternative options.

Weather Conditions: Gezibol reserves the right to change or cancel tour programs depending on weather conditions. Therefore, participants are required to bring appropriate clothing and equipment for weather conditions during the tour.

Insurance: Gezibol provides insurance for its customers for possible situations during the tour. Detailed information about insurance is provided by the tour company.

Tour Program: Gezibol provides detailed information about the tour programs it offers to its customers. Information such as activities included in the tour program, meals, and accommodation details are provided to customers before the tour.

Late Arrivals: Customers participating in the tour program should prepare carefully for the tour start time and location. Customers who are late for the tour start time may not be included in the tour program.

Reservation Details
Tour Duration

Van Tour(Daily)

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